AICY’s main objective is to develop innovative learning methodologies in cybersecurity based on artificial intelligence.
To this end, it foresees the use of gamification. In this way, game techniques and dynamics will be incorporated into the training process to promote a positive experience for all students and teachers of Vocational Training.
With this project we want to develop ICT skills, specifically cybersecurity skills. These skills have an important place in technical and vocational education.
In this sense, curricula will be developed that support digital transformation and are compatible with employability skills, in line with the objectives of various European Union policies.
The project will therefore develop AI-supported cybersecurity training materials for vocational training, in line with EU objectives.
Specifically, the objectives set foresee:
- AI-based cybersecurity training materials.
- Self-assessment platform.
- Gamification-based e-learning platform.
The project “AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques” (AICY) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Ref. 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000153926). The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the AICY Partnership and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.